вторник, 7 апреля 2020 г.

Instance locator - own solution of Dependendency Inversion Principle resolution

The library helps to build your own module system. Barely it resolves the Dependency Inversion Principle of SOLID. It is used as a barebone for an application that simplifies logic integration and its usage. It was developed because of problematic usage at the project a library InversifyJS.
It was used at the TypeScript written project. Next projects used native Javascript. The library had a helper but it had some problems during testing. While debugging an issue or feature was found that did not satisfied my requirements. So I decided to create own such functional. Results are here: Github and NPM. Be free and ask me questions personally on Gitter Test Driven Development is an exciting programming approach. The Etalon Implementation Quality Assurance was checked. A project used basic functionality of InversifyJS and had problems during testing. The decision was to replace by light own solution. So we made our own implementation, replaced and run tests. Everything worked well. The functionality was separated into a dedicated library and pushed to the package repository. The custom solution was deleted from the project and attached as the library. Tests passed well. Success.

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