пятница, 30 ноября 2018 г.

The front is the first

History: Before I did front-end MVPs and covered them by e2e tests because of presentation purposes. Few months ago I started using of TDD for Angular. So I’ve got some experience of testing and data mocking on front solutions. It gives me abilities to create standalone front-end solutions. The outcome is following.

пятница, 2 ноября 2018 г.

Testing from development view based on my case

I heard about tests a lot. I did not use them. It was a pity that I also did not see projects these followed the approach all around were talking about. I started test writing from TDD(Test Driven Development) I also did not want to work over. I was interesting to become more proficient. There is an article Types of Software Testing: Different Testing Types with Details. I am a developer at first and I count my resources. I am describing the story from developer’s point of view. So what I have got it is my opinion only that I have received from using tests.