среда, 26 декабря 2018 г.

How to implement a route decorator for inversify-express-utils

The library Inversify-Express-Utils is very good library that unions the functionality of both libraries: ExpresJs and InversifyJs. It provides a lot of functionality for extension. It also provides an authentication provider integration. But it is handled in an imperative way. There were not pre-configured possibilities.

понедельник, 24 декабря 2018 г.

How to repair a rocket without launching it or how TDD helped me, small review.

One upon a time I worked with a micro-service architecture. I had been working with different architectures before. They were logical and workable. But the current project was little bit strange.

пятница, 30 ноября 2018 г.

The front is the first

History: Before I did front-end MVPs and covered them by e2e tests because of presentation purposes. Few months ago I started using of TDD for Angular. So I’ve got some experience of testing and data mocking on front solutions. It gives me abilities to create standalone front-end solutions. The outcome is following.

пятница, 2 ноября 2018 г.

Testing from development view based on my case

I heard about tests a lot. I did not use them. It was a pity that I also did not see projects these followed the approach all around were talking about. I started test writing from TDD(Test Driven Development) I also did not want to work over. I was interesting to become more proficient. There is an article Types of Software Testing: Different Testing Types with Details. I am a developer at first and I count my resources. I am describing the story from developer’s point of view. So what I have got it is my opinion only that I have received from using tests.

воскресенье, 14 октября 2018 г.

Updates on the Shelepen's personal site descibed by recorded e2e tests

The project Shelepen's personal site  that is located on www.shelepen.com.ua has been updated. Some changes have been done, the functionality has been covered by e2e tests and a video report has been recorded that is based on the test. That shows the whole functionality of the project. Later it will help generate feature reports and check the whole system.

вторник, 3 июля 2018 г.

Dedicated library JS scope by Webpack for a Drupal behaviour

When we create a Drupal theme with different JS libraries which often break core libraries we need separate the theme scope from others. It is one of existed solutions. We separate and wrap js libraries in the scopes with Webpack modules. Out of scope variables are handled by a Webpack plugin.

понедельник, 25 июня 2018 г.

TDD is my best Swagger

I know about Swagger but I am not using it on my current user. I say that TDD is my best swagger.

понедельник, 30 апреля 2018 г.

Drupal development docker compose

Docker is very appealed technology. There are a lot of reason to study it for developers. It really simplifies the production/development environment with their dependencies. I used docker for deploying outbox solutions, this way I provided clients with changes. It seems that is mature modular system that makes to think structurally. There are a lot of articles how to use docker in development. But It looks like more to how to get started.

вторник, 3 апреля 2018 г.

Docker based production environment

Web applications use many development tools. So simple interpreting technologies become have few building stages. So on the production environment we need only builds. It is not the best practice keeping builds on a code revision system.

воскресенье, 25 марта 2018 г.

Development approaches of Shelepen's Personal Site.

Continue Description about my personal site www.shelepen.com.ua  and my complex investigation. This is a project is similar to Jenkyn’s project. I like NodeJS, this enough a mature technology. There are a lot of varied technologies for any case. I’ve assembled almost the same project and also able to extend it according to future requirements.

понедельник, 19 марта 2018 г.

Shelepen.com.ua Personal Site again.

Hello. Better right now than never. My personal site www.shelepen.com.ua has been deployed again. It is not perfect but I guess it is ready to provide its functionality. I always have some obstacles these I handle with.